Fun Frugal Feminine

womanhood. motherhood. sisterhood.

Finish Your Semester Strong: 5 Self-Care Steps to Break Out of a Rut

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     It is easy to overlook yourself sometimes when things are busy (like now with this semester being in full swing). Right now is when to get ahead of that. You don’t want to have a meltdown 3 weeks from now when you’ve let everything else be more important than you and you cannot believe what you look like or what you’ve been eating like. 

If you’re already in that rut, don’t worry, you can pull yourself out of it. 

This is my 5 steps to self-care that you can do in one day to turn things around.

1) Start right now with a Meditation

Get yourself in a better headspace and take a sec to regroup. Here’s a couple recommendations from YouTube:

     If those aren’t what you like, try searching YouTube for something short like a 10 minute progressive muscle relaxation or focus meditation. The point of this is that meditation will help you clear your mind of everything that is currently on your plate and allow you to refocus to see that nothing that you’re obligated to do is possible if you don’t take care of yourself.

2) Accomplish One Thing

    If you’re like me, you might get stressed by putting something important (or simple and unimportant) on the back burner and not be able to relax until it’s done. You may be telling yourself you have time to do it later. Again and again. The problem is that it hangs over your head until it does get done.

Do. It. Now. 

Set a timer for however long you think the task will take and focus on it for that long.

Finish the research for your paper. Email your group about your project. Empty the garbage can next to your desk. Start that load of laundry. 

Once the task is done, some of the anxiety will be gone, but the next step is very important.

3) Move Your Body

    I listened to a TED talk once about stress and completing the stress cycle. You can listen to the video below.

      Essentially, when your brain is stressed, your body believes there’s an actual threat to your survival because humans used to be stressed by things like having to run from lions. Not by things like running from deadlines. So to take care of that your body prepares to fight or flee from a real physical threat. Well, you don’t have to run from your research project to deal with it, you have to finish it, but your body doesn’t know that so you may still feel stressed even after finishing the stressful task. If you move your body after you complete something stressful, you signal to it that you’re allowed to relax now: the lion is gone. 

You don’t have to do anything wild. Some jumping jacks right in your dorm might do it. 

If you’re not in any habit of exercising, look up a pilates or yoga video on YouTube. They’re free, they’re very low impact, but they can bring up your heart rate enough to still send that “the threat is gone” signal. 

If you’re a gym queen, make some time for a quickie workout or a run. Whatever works for you.

4) Clean Yourself Up

     This is where self-care becomes what you might picture. bubble baths, face masks, pedicures etc…

This is not silly crap. Excuse my French. Think about it for a minute.

      You need to take some time to show your body love that other people don’t show it. It’s not only for the physical benefit, right? Of course, you look good after you do something for your hygiene. But, It also helps you mentally, you feel better about how you look. You feel good about doing something that you’ve put off or not prioritized, like maybe your brows or nails.

It also heals you spiritually.

     When you were very little, your parents probably bathed you as a baby. They took great care to make sure the water was warm but not too hot, the soap was safe for babies, and that afterward you had something clean and comfortable to wear.

Whether your parents were like that or not, you still deserve that treatment, but it is your responsibility to provide it to yourself now. 

Treat yourself like you’d treat someone you love very much.

5) Refuel Yourself

     First, nourish your body. If you’re like me and you’re a carb queen, this might be your hardest step. You need to be making sure you’re getting enough protein, especially after that workout you did ;). If you’ve been living on ramen or hot pockets, take this opportunity to shake up the usual diet and get something a little more green from the dining hall. You’ll thank yourself. No matter what you get, remember your body is getting you through all of this hard work this semester. 

     Second, make a deposit into your social bank. Call a friend from home. Call mom. Go somewhere with your friends from campus. Use this to remind yourself that you’re much much more than just a student. Your academic life may be the priority right now, but it’s not everything that you are. 

After these 5 steps, I know you’ll feel like a whole new person. Continue to take care of yourself, you’re crushing it!
